I learned quickly that not all families do the same thing for Christmas. At my families everyone wakes up early Christmas morning. We all sit around in the living room and after I pass out all of the Christmas presents everyone just digs into their presents. Let me just tell you, I LOVE opening presents. I would rather have wrapping paper any day than a bag! haha.. It's just so fun to rip it open. I think we are usually done by about 9:00am! So anyways. We woke up and we were able to open 1 present from Bryan's parents and look in our stockings. We couldn't open anymore, because Lee and Kasey were not there. So then around lunch we all went to Mema and Papa's house. There are a ton of presents under the tree. Let me share.
So as you can see there are a lot of presents under the tree, still a ton of presents under the tree at Bryan's parents house and it is about 1pm by now. We have opened 1 present. I find out that we are eating and waiting for Lee & Kasey and Bethany and Nick to arrive before we can begin the festivities. I was going crazy! I felt like a stinkin 2 year old all over again. I was soo anxious and excited to get my hands one just 1 stinkin present. Well, the time finally came when everyone was at the house, all the food was eaten and put away and we settled in the living room to open gifts. After all the gifts were passed out we started with the oldest person. 1 person, 1 gift at a time. It was after 6 oclock by now and I was losing it. Good thing I was able to rip a little here and there off my presents so when the time came I was ready to go! It was quite funny and a new experience for me. I think when we have kids, if they are anything like me, I don't know if they will be able to wait that long!
It was really a lot of fun though. Here is a picture of the whole gang and a few others. (There might not be quite as many, because my husband informed me that I put to many pictures up in my last blog!)
Here is a great picture of Mema and Papa. I wish yall could have been there to see Mema get her new boots and Papa helping her put them on. We laughed so hard! So fun.
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